Tootle's Comprehensive Insurance and Safety Coverage
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Tootle's Comprehensive Insurance and Safety Coverage

Tootle HQ

In the fast-paced world of ride-sharing, safety and security are of paramount importance for both riders and drivers. Tootle, Nepal's homegrown ride-sharing platform, understands the significance of ensuring a safe and secure experience for its users. With a deep commitment to its community, Tootle has implemented a robust insurance and safety coverage framework that sets it apart from the rest. In this blog post, we will delve into the comprehensive insurance and safety coverage offered by Tootle to its riders and drivers.

Tootle values the safety of its riders and customers above all else. To provide a worry-free experience, Tootle has established a comprehensive insurance plan that covers both riders and customers in case of unforeseen incidents during their rides.

  • Criteria for rider's insurance claim:

    1. Date Of Birth As Per Citizenship / Passport

    2. The ride needs to be “ONLINE”

    3. Needs to have a valid Driving License

    4. Needs to have a valid Bluebook

    5. Coverage of insurance is from the date and time the ride STARTED until it ENDS

    6. The vehicle should be the one that is registered in the Tootle system, and should match the specific Tootle ride detail.

    7. The police report date and time should match with the reported accident ride on the Tootle system.

  • Process for claiming insurance:

    1. When an accident occurs during a Tootle ride, the driver or customer should inform the company through social media chat, phone or email and should be done the same day of the accident.

    2. Need to notify the Traffic Police Officials and register a police report, on the same day of the accident. If the customer is injured, a milapatra by rider with the customer is compulsory.

    3. Need to submit all documents to either the insurance company or to the Tootle office.

  • Ride Sharing Insurance Coverage Details:

    1. In case of death or disablement of an individual, while using the services of Tootle, then they are insured for Rs. 1,000,000.

      1. In case of Hospitalization of an individual due to an accident while using the services of Tootle, then they are insured for Rs. 200,000.

      2. If the driver is unable to come back to work due to an accident that happened while using the services of Tootle, then they are insured for Rs. 500 for motorcycle riders and Rs. 650 for Taxi Drivers for up to 60 days. A doctor's note is required specifying the cause and note that the individual is not able to work.

    2. For Each Tootle Customers (Bike and Cab):

      1. For cabs: up to 4 passengers are insured along with the driver.

      2. In case of death or disablement of an individual, while using the services of Tootle, then they are insured for Rs. 1,000,000.

      3. In case of Hospitalization of an individual due to an accident while using the services of Tootle, then they are insured for Rs. 200,000.

  • Support and Assistance:

    1. Tootle is committed to being there for its community whenever they need assistance. Whether it's a simple query or a critical situation, Tootle offers customer support to customers and drivers.

  • Safety Measures and Training:

    1. Tootle emphasizes proactive safety measures to prevent accidents and ensure a secure environment. Drivers on the Tootle platform undergo rigorous training to enhance their driving skills and prioritize safety at all times.

  • Documents needed for the claim:

    1. Police report and milapatra with customers (if customer is injured) and should be related to the accident.

    2. Any hospital documentations needed or required by the insurance company for the claim.

    3. Original bill with the hospital’s stamp should be presented. Copies of the bill will not be accepted.

  • Deadlines for the claims:

    1. All claims should be submitted to either the insurance company or Tootle within 30 days of the accident.

  • Claim process duration:

    1. After receiving all required documents for the claim, the claim shall be settled within 30 working days from the date of all required documents have been submitted.

  • Excluded from the claim:

    1. If the ride was taken “Offline”

    2. Death caused by self-inflicted injury or the attempted assault or any unlawful act or being engaged in any illegal activity or felony.

    3. Participating in illegal activity is excluded.

    4. Suicide while sane or insane.

    5. The condition of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or any AIDS related illness or HIV virus.

  • Contact for claim:

    1. Email:

    2. Phone: +977-1-5909994

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